How do I find a team if I don't have one already?

Last updated Dec 1, 2020, 2:47 PM
Applies to Virtual CodeDayStudents
Virtual CodeDay takes place on Discord, so the first step is to join us there, and link your CodeDay account (follow the instructions in #link-account).
In Discord, you'll see a channel called #team-building -- this is the best place to find someone to work with, but to have the best chances, do both of these things:
  1. First, make a post that describes you. Mhat sort of apps or games are you interested in making? Do you already have any ideas? What are the ways you want to contribute to a team? (Coding? Art? Music? Writing?) The more information you include in your post, the better your chances are!
  2. Second, look through previous posts, and message anyone you might want to work with. This is super important, because if no one messages each other, no one will ever find a team!
Finally, remember that you don't need to find a team to participate in Virtual CodeDay, you're welcome to work on your own!

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